Ivan Boban Photography

Creative Services & Content Creation
Hi! I'm Ivan Boban, Photographer and content creator from Split, Croatia
I work both as a Freelancer and trough my family business Cosmic Production Agency

Creative and Digital services for modern businesses and brands
Ivan Boban is a creative professional, part-production house part-freelancer, with photography of the natural in his DNA.

The Photographic Creative Process
Welcome to my creative photography project. Since becoming a content creator I’ve pursued and tried to capture more meaning behing my images and photography. Developing my own style, trough time, trial and error.
Come and join me on this beautiful jorney of memory, experience and reality. Let’s capture and tell your story as well.
"Ivan is a creative and passionate individual. We have been working together on several marketing projects for Sail Croatia and each project was a big success. He is young professional who helps you think creativily and easily understands what you need from him. I can truly recommend him as a person and business partner."
Jelena J. – Amy Group
Landscape photography together with documenting travel in one way or another is how I started playing around with camera. Thinking about the shot list, planning and preparing – all to be able to capture stories and emotion of places new and old.
Something I’m exploring more and more. Portrait work, studio photography and editorial are something I’ll be creating and sharing more. Working with people in photography is more challenging but also more rewarding when emotion becomes eternal.
Trough collaboration, freelancing and eventually giving more character to initiatives and projects I combine lifestyle and advertising photography. Influencers, commercial projects and more businesses alike are investing into produced content.
Što Koristim na Svojoj WordPress Webstranici
Ako već niste pohvatali, ovaj moj web-projekt-blog-stranica je konstantni work-in-progress (WIP) very important progress. Pa isto tako i plugin-ovi koje koristim i neki alati koje koristim se mijenjaju. Nakon kraće (dvogodišnje, skoro trogodišnje) pauze vraćam se sa...

Event Fotografija Split – Dentelli Great Gatsby Party
Ako ste se pitali kako izgleda event fotografija Split (dodano zbog ključne riječi) sa Great Gatsby party-a jako mi je drago da mogu pokazati nešto što će zadovoljiti znatiželju. Zadnji četvrtak sedmog mjeseca je bio jedan od onih vrućih ljetnih dana. Pritisak u zraku...

Što Napraviti Ako Su Vam Osobni Podaci Ugroženi – Facebook Curenje Podataka
Facebook Curenje Podataka 2021 Zadnjih je dana na vijestima jedna od češće spomenutih tema Facebook Data Leak, tj. curenje osobnih podataka sa Facebooka. Donosim par savjeta kako provjeriti jesu li vam neki osobni podaci ugroženi i ako jesu kako se zaštititi. Facebook...